Beard Transplant

A beard transplant takes hair from another part of your body (usually the base of your scalp at the back, or under your chin) and transplants it to your face.
An average of 3,000 to 5,000 hairs can be transplanted one by one. Some surgeons may use two hairs per graft to give a more natural appearance to the beard.
Most guys who get beard transplants do it to cover up scars, but today youngstars doing it just to get a great beard.
What's Good About A Beard Transplant?
1. Style as per your choice:
You can choose your beard style just like you choose your hairstyle – look at pictures of different types of beards, bring one to the clinic and your surgeon will beard you up to match it.
2. Minimal Pain
The incisions made on your face are so tiny they don't hurt more than a small pinch.
3. Minimal Recovery Time
You'll probably have to take a sick day for the transplant itself, which can take up to five hours. After that, the worst you can expect is a few days of slight swelling and redness.
4. You Can Shave And Style Your Beard As Normal
Your new hair follicles will be permanently grafted in, so your beard will look and function like anyone else's.
Types Of Beard Transplants
1. The most common procedure used for beard transplants is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). The surgeon will remove individual hairs (in their follicles) from a donor region and graft them wherever you want your beard filled in.
The procedure takes 6-7 hours and will leave only tiny circular scars where hair follicles were removed. Some clinics perform it manually, while others use mechanical aids. This type of transplant has a faster recovery time than other options, and most people who undergo it report little or no discomfort.
2. The other main type of transplant is Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). This is when a surgeon takes a strip of tissue from another area, stitches up the wound, and transplants the hairs on it. This leaves a long but very fine scar.
Although FUT takes slightly longer (both to perform and to recover from), it also generally results in a fuller beard because more hairs are transplanted overall.
 What To Expect Before And After
You'll be asked to take a few precautions before surgery, such as not taking any medication that contains aspirin 10 days before the transplant. You should also not take anti-inflammatory medications or drink alcohol three days before the procedure.
Taking a vitamin C tablet once a day for a full week before the transplant will aid the healing process.
Post surgery:
The doctor may prescribe you an antibiotic that prevents infection in the donor area. You might also get an antibiotic ointment to apply.
Beard transplant recovery is typically problem-free with little or no pain. Visible signs of the procedure usually subside within a week, and you can typically start shaving again a week to 10 days after the transplant.