Redo Hair Transplant

Introduction to Failed Hair Transplant:
Failure of the hair transplant surgery can occur due to the technical failure by the surgical team or due to the sloppy surgical methods. There are many clinics for hair transplantation but unfortunately, hair transplants done with very little knowledge fail leading to poor results, low self esteem, patient dissatisfaction and depression.
Correcting the failed hair transplants is a challenge because of the reduction in the donor area, bad hairline designs, scarring done previously. Other factor which is challenging for doctor in redoing the transplant is the feeling of hopelessness in client.
What are the Rescue Options for Failed Hair Transplant?
There are certain ways to repair the failed hair transplant:
Body hair may be opted to rescue for patients with a depleted donor area.
FUT Scarring on the backside of the scalp can be concealed with the aid of scalp revision or scalp micro pigmentation.
A bad frontal hairline can be totally redesigned by extraction of the wrong grafts with the assistance of FUE technique and relocation.
What are the Causes Behind Failed Hair Transplant?
Following are the various causes of failed hair transplant:
Drying Graft
The hair graft can dry up in case it is exposed to air for more than 10-20 seconds. Tiny grafts are at much greater risk of damage or drying. This can happen during following conditions:
1. When the grafts are not immersed in a bath of a physiologic solution directly after the graft is extracted.
3. While trimming the graft
4. Shifting of graft from one place to another
5. During placement of the graft
Storing the Graft for long time
The solutions meant for the survival of the grafts should be well maintained and they must be in their accurate compositions. If the graft is left out of the body for long time then the risk of damage is higher.
Handling Graft
It takes some time to move the grafts from the physiological bath solution to the recipient area. Thus if the grafts are taken out and piled up on a surface then the grafts end up on getting exposed to air.
Placing the Graft
It is very important to handle the grafts delicately. It requires a steady hand while placing the grafts.
Depth of the Graft
Placing the graft too deep kills the graft and it can produce folliculitis after the surgery. Placing a graft too deep or too superficially can cause infection of hair follicles.
What are the cases where hair transplant repair is required?
Defective Hairline
1. Unnatural Hairline Design: the hairline which is designed in an accurately straight line makes it look unnatural after the hair transplant.
2. High Placement of Hairline: forehead looks too large if the hairline is placed too high. It can continue balding also.
3. Low Lying Placement of the Hairline: patients who have undergone hair transplant in their early 30’s may feel that their hairline appears unnatural and low after some years. Therefore their hairline can be corrected by extracting the follicular units and reconstructing the hairline.
Compromised Density
In some failed cases of hair transplantation, the hair may look very less dense and the scalp may be still visible. Implanting the grafts in between can be helpful in correcting the scanty look on the scalp. This procedure needs a lot of care and skill.
Wide Scar after FUT
Follicular unit transplantation techniques results in a linear scar at the back of the scalp. If the incision is closed under tension then it can appear as a wide scar. Hair transplantation can be done in this scar to make it less visible.
Stretched Scar
Loose stitches or improper surgical tools can make the scar stretch.
Bushy Temples
Temples usually have fine and light colored hair. Increased density on the temples after hair transplant due to thick hair implantation gives bushy look. This can be redesigned to give a natural appearance of the temples.
What are the Techniques used in Failed Hair Transplant Repair?
Following two techniques are used to repair the failed hair transplant:
1. Follicular unit extraction
Follicular unit extraction technique involves taking the individual follicular grafts from the donor site and implanting them on the bald area. In this method slits made on the bald area generally heal as basically untraceable dots in the scalp.
2. Direct Hair Transfer technique.
The Direct Hair transplant is the latest technique of hair transplant. In this technique hair follicles are extracted one by one from the donor area and are then implanted in the recipient area directly in a single step. Healthy and natural looking hairs are achieved by this technique.